Portfolio › Fullstack
Hello and welcome. This is a collection of fullstack projects that demonstrate: project ownership, third-party API interaction, and much more!
Unique Apps
Multi-process and multi-server application making 1 - 2 million requests against Github daily to find top open source contributions. For a presentation checkout THIS
- Scraping built with Nokogiri
- ORM: ActiveRecord
- Custom Priority Queue Data Structure
- Custom Central Server Monitoring
- Query Caching: Materialized Views
Proof of concept of SMS batcher for busy couples to batch 'daily doses of love' that are randomly delivered 1x daily.
Future - Adding subscription payment integration for premium account with multiple users and control over when they can send messages. Porting from Sinatra to Rails and adding a dynamic frontend via backbone.
- Twilio API
- Heroku Scheduler
- Datamapper