Portfolio Frontend

Hello and welcome. This is a collection of Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap projects that demonstrate: javascript expertise, animation, AJAX, grids, and much more!


Mrello Board

Clone of a single Trello board Frontend. Create lists, cards, and comments.

Todos App

A Todos list sorted by month and completion.

Simple Contacts

Manage a contacts list including add, edit, and delete. With live searching and filtering.

Apps built using NPM, Bower, and Grunt infrastructure.


User Animations

Simple shape translation. Specify the coordinate of a shape and end end point and jQuery will tween the shape between the two points.

Guess A Word

A hangman like game built with jQuery in the browser. Under development.

Search Filter

Search filtering using jQuery. Uses checkboxes to filter list items.

Other Projects

Express, Ajax, & Handlebars

Express backed gallery with comments per image. You will need to download this repo to run properly.


Dabbling with bootstrap. Weird bug where affixed navbar breaks when served by github and works fine locally.

Geo Locate

Playing with the google maps API. Renders a single map at the users location.